All bookshelves are magical. - Neil Gaiman The act of reorganizing my book collection was an adventure that I didn't expect to take! Earlier this fall, after deciding it was time for a paint job on the office bookshelf, I discovered something remarkable. As I pored over each and every one of them individually - many of which had been there since childhood memories - stories began to unfold before me, and what started as a practical decision became quite exhilarating as I realized just how much insight into myself could be found within these endless pages. What followed next couldn’t have been predicted; with fresh enthusiasm, Notion accounts at hand –I set off on a cataloging mission around the house in search of more forgotten tales from shelves past…and present.
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All bookshelves are magical. - Neil Gaiman The act of reorganizing my book collection was an adventure that I didn't expect to take! Earlier this fall, after deciding it was time for a paint job on the office bookshelf, I discovered something remarkable. As I pored over each and every one of them individually - many of which had been there since childhood memories - stories began to unfold before me, and what started as a practical decision became quite exhilarating as I realized just how much insight into myself could be found within these endless pages. What followed next couldn’t have been predicted; with fresh enthusiasm, Notion accounts at hand –I set off on a cataloging mission around the house in search of more forgotten tales from shelves past…and present.